Vision statement: To create an equal, inclusive and cohesive community, where people have a sense of belonging.

Mission statement: To bring about change through the process of empowerment and support at family, individual and community level.

Our project outcomes for our community:

  1. Active and healthy with positive physical and mental wellbeing.
  2. Achieving their full potential in all areas of learning and development.
  3. Safe and protected from harm.
  4. Economically secure.
  5. Connected, respected and contributing to their world.

Principles: Community work underpins the work of the organisation, which involves an analysis of the social, economic situations and collective action for change based on that analysis.

  • Equality: Respond to local needs, from a stand point of equality, diversity, justice and inclusion. Commitment to empower individuals and families in our community to challenge discrimination and inequalities. To ensure equality is reflected in all our policies, language and actions.
  • Participation: To encourage and facilitate the participation of the community within the organisation and regionally in decision making structures. It refers to involvement in planning and decision making participation, a role in implementation participation and involvement in learning and evaluation.
  • Consciousness raising: To work with people and communities to raise awareness and understanding of issues that impact on their lives.
  • Social Inclusion: To support and prioritise individuals, families and groups who are most at risk in the community to participate in programmes, activities and services.
  • Solidarity: To act in solidarity with different groups facing social inequality locally, nationally and globally.
  • Collective action: To encourage a collective approach rather than an individualised approach, in order to bring the community together in solidarity, to address their issues and develop responses to them.
  • Anti-poverty: To develop, promote and respond to issues of poverty experienced by individuals, families and children in the community. To work to combat poverty in the local community.
  • Empowerment: To work with people or communities in a way that builds confidence and supports people to take greater control over their lives.
  • Working in partnership: To work with and link with other organisations, projects and groups that will support the work of St. Kevin’s FRC.